Erin Lowry’s book “Broke Millennial – Stop Scraping by and get your Financial Life Together” is written for adults in their 20s and 30s, who are typically struggling to make ends meet but know they should be doing more with money than they are. She writes in an easy and relaxed tone, with chapter titles such as “Is Money a Tinder Date or Marriage Material?”
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My Review of Broke Millennial
Broke Millennial covers personal finance topics that are especially relevant, not only to millennials but also older generation Z. Erin tackles head on tricky situations, such as when you’re out with a group at a restaurant, how to split the bill when you’re struggling to make ends meet. I have experienced this situation myself in my 20s, the feeling where you buy the cheapest thing on the menu but feel anxiety about splitting the bill and not wanting to seem cheap. One of Erin’s brilliant suggestions is to offer to split up the bill for everyone – most people are quite happy to offload the pressure to the self-designated accountant, and you can ensure that everyone, yourself included, pay only what you owe. Since everyone has powerful calculator apps on in their pocket, this has never been easier.
Broke Millennial also deals with issues like moving home after college. It can be emotionally challenging for students and their parents. But with Erin’s fabulous suggestions, you can make the most of living at home.
She also describes how to have important financial talks with your significant other. With the divorce rate somewhere around 50%, and money issues being one of the major causes for divorce, it’s essential to be on the same page here. This is obviously an ongoing discussion. Some things will come up early – like who pays for the date – while others come much later – like how to split bills when you move in together.
Erin also tackles the traditional personal finance topics, including budgeting, bank accounts, credit scores, credit cards, student loans and other debt, investing, and saving for retirement.
As with all personal finance books, it’s not only what’s in the book – it’s also what you as a reader do with the information afterward.
Who is this Book for?
- New Grads: This book would make a fabulous gift for any high school or college/university graduate, with its fabulous entry-level advice on taking control of your financial life.
- Millennials: This seems obvious, from the title, that the personal finance advice is specifically geared towards the needs of millennials. It covers a lot of ground in the many topics.
How Can I get My Copy?
This is one of the best personal finance books for those age 18-35(ish)! Everyone should have a copy on their bookshelf, because they’ll want to refer to it again and again. Broke Millennial Stop Scraping by and Get Your Financial Life Together is available at:
- (paperback, Audible audiobook, and Kindle)
- (paperback, Audible audiobook, and Kindle)
- Indigo (paperback, Kobo ebook)
Technical Details About the Book
Like all great personal finance books, Erin includes many amusing stories from her own life experience. She explains concepts in easy to understand terms, using millennial slang that I could never get away with. It’s well written and relatable.
Published in 2017, it is packed with up-to-date information. Chapters are written to be mainly standalone, so readers can flip back and forth for the specific information they need.
It is an American finance book, so references to 401(k) plans should be generalized for Canadian readers to advice about RRSPs. It’s 247 pages of text, not including the epilogue, financial resource guide, acknowledgements, etc.
About the Broke Millennial Author
Erin Lowry is a millennial personal finance expert, writer and speaker. Check out her brand new followup book, Broke Millennial Takes on Investing! Follow Erin on her blog at
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