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Celebrate International Women's Day with personal finance writers

Discover the Amazing Ladies of Personal Finance on International Women’s Day

In 2021, we have women doing incredible work to improve the financial situation for themselves and their families. Personal finance and financial independence writers take this one step further, by sharing their experience and wisdom with anyone who wants to learn and grow. What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day on Monday, March 8th, than to amplify their voices!

Note: This post was originally published for #IWD2020, but has been updated for #IWD2021. Our community keeps growing!

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Key Takeaways

History of International Women’s Day

According to the International Women’s Day (IWD) website, the first IWD occurred in 1911, and was supported by over 1 million people!

Each year has a different theme. On #IWD2021 the focus is #ChooseToChallenge. What does that mean? It means that we all need to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality when we see it.

The theme in 2020 was Each for Equal – an equal world is an enabled world.

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.

International Women’s Day and Personal Finance

Chelsea Brennan in the “Chime” blog wrote 5 facts about women and money for IWD2020 that stand the test of time:

  • More than 40% of women (in the U.S.) are the primary breadwinners, while another 22% are co-breadwinners for their families. Women control more than 50% of the wealth.
  • Women are powerful business owners. But while businesses with a woman owner fare 63% better than companies with all male owners, they receive only 4% of all commercial loan dollars.
  • The gender pay gap still exists, and means that women earn on average $430,000 less over the course of their careers.
  • Women investors earn 0.4%-1.0% per year more than male investors. But only 9% of women think they are better investors than men.
  • Women face a longer retirement than men, because they are expected to live longer on average.

Personal Finance/Financial Independence/FIRE Writers

Each of us has our own story to share, our own experiences, and our own voice. Find some new favourites!

Australia Flag.  Discover women of personal finance on #IWD


All About BalanceA blogger in my early-30s in Sydney, Australia. My key goals are setting up my health, wealth, and strong relationships on the way to FI. It’s as much about the journey as the FI number.
Frugality and FreedomFrugality and Freedom is written by Michelle, a mid-30s semi-retired Australian who writes about financial independence, budget travel, sustainability and minimalism.
LatestarterfireI write about my journey to FI(RE) and feature other late starters, those of us who start our FI journey in our 40s, 50s and 60s.
Canada Flag.  Discover women of personal finance on #IWD


Bella WananaThe mission of my blog is to share best tips and tricks on personal finance, wellness and ways to live a balanced but fulfilling life, one blog post at a time.
Casual Money TalkThe personal finance blog that wants to grow up to become a satire blog but is facing a quarter-life crisis.
Eat Sleep Breathe FIWe’re a regular middle-class family pursuing FI in our 40s — in high-cost Vancouver, on one income.
Freedom 101We are a blog focused on regaining control of our time through Financial Freedom and mindfulness.
Gen Y MoneyA PF blog geared towards Canadian millennials interested in making the most of their money: With the goal of achieving financial freedom through saving money, investing, and minimalism.
Handful of ThoughtsHandful of Thoughts helps moms learn about and take control of their money so that they can take control of their time.
Jessica MoorhouseHey! I’m Jessica, a money expert, speaker, financial counsellor & podcast host who loves to talk money.
Mixed Up MoneyAt Mixed Up Money, we don’t preach frugality, we don’t expect you to be perfect, and we certainly realize that money isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.
Money In Your TeaWriting with a passion for financial planning and investing, to build net worth and achieve financial independence.
Millionaire on the PrairieSingle people face different challenges in achieving financial independence than those faced by couples.
Modest MillionairesWe are young family from the province of Quebec and this blog documents our simple journey to reaching financial independence by 2025.
My Life, I GuessA personal finance and career blog by Amanda Kay, an Employment Specialist and older millennial that strives to keep the “person” in personal finance by writing about money, mistakes, and making a living.
Our Bill PickleI’m documenting our debt-free journey and sharing the personal finance lessons I’ve learned along the way.
Save Long and ProsperSingle woman from Quebec aiming to reach FIRE before 2026 at age 35.
Smile and ConquerCanadian millennial who has worked in finance for the past decade and now blog about all the things I’ve learned.
Malaysia Flag.  Discover women of personal finance on #IWD


Money MoniesMoney Monies or MoMo in short, is a blog that serves to document the FIRE journey of a long-distance couple. Jane, the co-author of the blog loves the topics of PF, independent thinking and sustainability.
Ringgit Oh RinggitTaking the feminist, mindful approach to financial independence.
Netherlands flag. Discover women of personal finance on #IWD


Radical FireYou will learn to save money, make more money, and invest to optimize your way to financial freedom. We want you to reach your financial goals and have fun while doing it!
Norway and USA flags.  Discover women of personal finance on #IWD


EcofrugalsEcofrugals is focused on the intersection between frugality, sustainability and feminism.
Singapore flag.  Discover women of personal finance on #IWD


Design for FII’m a UX designer writing about my journey to financial independence and retiring early, minimalism, and living a purpose-filled life in Singapore!
America flag.  Discover women of personal finance on #IWD

United States

A Dime SavedMillennial mom doing her best on a tight budget.
A Purple LifePurple retired at 30 in 2020 and has written on her blog since 2015 to catalogue her journey to and through early retirement.
Baby Boomer Super SaverBaby Boomer Super Saver focuses on creative ways to catch-up retirement savings & become financially independent, even after a late start.
Camp FIRE FinanceCamp FIRE Finance is the place to discover and share the best FIRE movement articles.
Cash for TacosCash for Tacos is a blog full of resources and tips to help inspire others to start thinking about money as a tool to create a life they love.
Family Finance MomI help moms become their household CFO and build financial plans they can live with!
Financial MechanicA mechanical engineer turned programmer with a pretty big DIY project: save enough money to become financially independent.
Graduated Learning: Life after CollegeWorking mother of two, working at a STEM job. is all about helping folks get out of debt while having fun along the way.
Keeping up with the BullsPersonal finance blog focused on investing, saving money and career advice written by US based millennial woman in tech.
Military Dollar
Millennial BossI feature stories of people who have achieved financial independence through savings, side hustles, or real estate.
On Plan RoxMillennial engineering manager passionate about planning travel and FI.
Partners in FIREI like to call myself the spirit of the financial independence movement, because I try to be FI even though I”m not.
Problems and ProjectsI’m a personal finance and debt payoff blog focused on conquering challenges in the home and budget.
Saving JoyfullyFrugal living and learning to manage your personal finances while striving to live a more joyful life.
She Picks Up PenniesMy blog follows my journey as a married millennial mom and teacher trying to live a more purposeful life one cent at a time.
The FioneersThe journey to financial independence should be as remarkable as the destination.
The Prosperous BlondeI write about how to be prosperous & travel on the cheap.
The Cents of MoneyThe Cents of Money is about financial education, here to teach and inspire you about money, seek new ideas, and create greater comfort in your world about one of life’s greatest stresses.
We Want GuacWe Want Guac is the go-to resource for reaching a six-figure net worth in your 20s via a higher-income job and lower spending.
Wealth With WhitneyI am an educator who spent six years writing a financial literacy manual inspired by my financial mishaps + the lessons learned.

Women Personal Finance Authors

Not only are there some amazing women writing personal finance blogs, but many are highly regarded authors! Here are some incredible international bestsellers that will help address your “pain points” with personal finance.

Final Thoughts on IWD2021

Women worldwide manage their finances with grace and dedication. While we all make mistakes, we can learn and grow through following the paths of others. On this International Women’s Day, I hope you have found some fabulous new mentors to help you in your personal finance journey.

I would particularly like to thank Handful of Thoughts for linking me to her article on Female Canadian Personal Finance Blogs, which was a big help for adding to this list!

And if YOU are a female personal finance, financial independence (retire early) blogger, a big thank you for writing and publishing for others to learn from you! If you would like to be added to the list, please leave me a comment below. Include what country you’re from – it is INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day, after all. And a 1-sentence description of your blog. Even if it’s after March 8th.

9 thoughts on “Discover the Amazing Ladies of Personal Finance on International Women’s Day”

  1. Pingback: Weekend Reading – Absolute performance, best dividend stocks, Bitcoin lost and more! - My Own Advisor

  2. Pingback: Top personal finance articles for March 2020 | Our Bill Pickle

  3. Thanks for putting this together, Kari! Going to be adding so many new blogs to my reading list. Happy International Women’s Day!

  4. Thanks for putting together this great list of personal finance blogging women. I would love to be added My name is Andrea Joy and I blog at I am located in Toledo, Ohio in the USA and my blog is centered around frugal living and learning to manage your personal finances while striving to live a more joyful life.

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